Indigenous people

The Hunger Project in Peru

The indigenous people can be describe as the original people that are living in their own country.Peru is the fourth biggest population country in South America with a total population of 28.5 million, 48 percent of which are indigenous and the rest are in common people. The Peruvian indigenous population made up of a various native ethnic groups, Quechua and Aymara being the largest ethnic in Peru.

how about if you are in this situation????

As we all know, the poverty already become the common news for us.So, the poverty levels in Peru are highest not for the common people, but usually happen among indigenous native people. In addition, 43% of household having moderate poverty and 52% are extremely poverty level that is involve the indigenous native people.

As the result, the Hunger Project are being established to overcome the problem that they are facing to increase the standard of living in the Peruvian indigenous people.Their health will be take care and they will having a better life....

As the conclusion, the Hunger Project are very important to the indigenous native people to change their life become better..............

Happy Accidents

In our journey so far, we were able to expose all of you on different information through words and pictures. Photos and pictures play an important role in delivering and give a clearer view on what we’ve talk about. To produce pictures and photographs, the process of photography comes into place. Photography is a process, activity and an art of creating still or moving pictures by recording radiation on sensitive medium such as a photographic film or an electronic sensor.

When we look at photography, there are many kinds of them, such as fashion photography, portrait and wedding photography, landscape photography, wildlife photography, travel photography and even food photography!. However, today we will dig into Lomography

Have you ever heard of Lomography?

In 1990’s a couple of students discoved a small, enigmatic Russian camera, the Lomo Kompakt Automat. This created a new style of artistic experimental photography that produces unpredictable results. The approach is by taking any possible or impossible situation by any unusual positions possible. At the same time, striving for an imperfect amateur look and feel. It is dedicated to being spontaneous, and composition as the subject matter. The result is a flood of authentic, colourful, crazy, off-the-wall, unfamiliar and often brilliant snapshots. That is why, it can be called as

Happy Accidents'!

Lomography is actually a registered trademark of Lomographische AG (Austria) which is a movement that promotes the use of Lomo cameras. Generally, lomography is using crappy plastic cameras to try to take interesting pictures.Lomography camers like the Holga and Diana are made entirely out of plastic with problems such as light leaks, soft focus, and colour fringing. This is due to its poor quality lens. But, those defects are the one that create an ART.

Lomography cameras also have special options in different models, including the known fish eye lens, pinhole lenses, multiple lenses that is where a camera can have up to 4-6 lenses that shoots simultaneously to create an unforgotten unique effect. The most special effect is the coloured flash.

The motto ‘not thinking and just shooting’ is applied greatly in Lomography. It involves spontaneity as mentioned earlier and does not care too much about the technique. An expert Lomographer is able to take shots from the hip! So to really master Lomography, you have to practice, be random and always remember to shoot first and think later! An unpredictable random artistic masterpiece will then appear!