Indigenous people

The Hunger Project in Peru

The indigenous people can be describe as the original people that are living in their own country.Peru is the fourth biggest population country in South America with a total population of 28.5 million, 48 percent of which are indigenous and the rest are in common people. The Peruvian indigenous population made up of a various native ethnic groups, Quechua and Aymara being the largest ethnic in Peru.

how about if you are in this situation????

As we all know, the poverty already become the common news for us.So, the poverty levels in Peru are highest not for the common people, but usually happen among indigenous native people. In addition, 43% of household having moderate poverty and 52% are extremely poverty level that is involve the indigenous native people.

As the result, the Hunger Project are being established to overcome the problem that they are facing to increase the standard of living in the Peruvian indigenous people.Their health will be take care and they will having a better life....

As the conclusion, the Hunger Project are very important to the indigenous native people to change their life become better..............


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